April 23, 2010

Friday Fab Finds~ a weekly snippet of creative and delicious ideas for your wedding!

Fab Finds

Happy Friday everyone!

We are so excited to have our new business cards for A Good Affair Wedding and Event Poduction they are amazing letterpress. When thinking about this week’s Fab Find I realized that it was literally in my hand and I had to share!

Slow Print Letterpress does amazing wedding invitations as well as pretty much anything you want letter pressed. Peter is amazing to work with and uses the original old style machines- the look is stunning for wedding invitations.

Check out some the their amazing work:

The old style press creates such a deep impression in the paper it is truly stunning!

P1020044.JPG by slowprint.

This looks like an ancient torture device but man does it produce beautiful invitations and stationary!

A closer look at another invitation:

Invitation Detail - Whitney

And in case you are curious here is our beautiful new cards- thanks Peter for all your help!

Check out our portfolio

Give us a ring- 714-679-1139

We would love to help you plan your Fab Affair

Happy Planning,


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